Program Overview and Eligibility

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CalWORKs Program is lifting families out of poverty through education.  CalWORKs at the College of Alameda can help students receiving public assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF) get access to vital services such as work study, job placement, childcare, curriculum development, skills training, and more.

Who is CalWORKs Program for?

  1. Student parent(s) receiving welfare assistance.

How to qualify for CalWORKs Program?

  1. Two-parent or single parent household
  2. Parent(s) and child must be a CALWORKs/TANF participant with County Social Services
  3. No unit minimum-Student can take credit or non-credit classes
  4. Approved County Welfare to Work (WTW) Plan

How to apply and get information about the program?

Please visit us at the College of Alameda, Building A right next to the Welcome Center.  Also, you could contact our office at 510-748-2219 and/or apply directly online, Login to ConexED .

Office Hours & Location 


Building A

Fall and Spring Terms – Office Hours

Monday through Friday:  8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Summer Term – Office Hours (June 1 through July 31)

Monday through Thursday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday:  Office Closed


Front Desk Phone: (510) 748-2219
Front Desk Email: