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Welcome to Success Coaching at College of Alameda

Success Coaching is a free service funded by California Education Assistance, Inc. designed to support you in navigating your experience at College of Alameda and empower you on your journey to successfully transferring to a 4-year college or university. Success Coaching complements the valuable programs and resources available to you at the college, and is personalized and individualized to you!

Connect with Coaches Who Care

Success Coaching is provided by trained coaches from InsideTrack — a nonprofit committed to helping all students reach their educational and career goals. Success Coaches are here to guide you to: 

    • Navigate the twists and turns of college
    • Work around obstacles
    • Identify goals
    • Establish plans
    • Create next steps to keep moving forward

You can connect virtually with your Success Coach over phone, email or text message. 

Learn More About Success Coaching

What's Next?

Be on the lookout for a message from your coach. All you need to do is reply to get started with your Success Coaching journey!