Our Students
College of Alameda serves over 6000 unduplicated students every semester from the San Francisco Bay Area. In Fall 2019, total enrollment headcount for College of Alameda was 6,215 unduplicated students. The cities of Oakland and Alameda together contribute over 66% of enrollment with 43% from Oakland and 23% from Alameda in Fall 2019. Students from San Leandro, Berkeley, Emeryville, Hayward, and Richmond are the majority of the remaining student headcount.

Trade, Transportation and Utilities industry sector represents the largest employment industry in the College service area for the past five years, followed by Professional/Business Services, Leisure and Hospitality, and Accommodation and Food Services. University of California Berkeley, Western Digital Corp and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are the largest employers in Alameda County.

In Fall 2019, students identifying as Asian represented 31% of the total student population, followed by the Latinx/Hispanic identified student population at 29%, African American/Black identified student population at 16% and White identified student population at 13%.

College of Alameda African American/Black identified student population declined by 30% over a five-year period, followed by a 12% decline in the Asian identified student population. The Latinx/Hispanic student population grew by 26% and by 12 % for the Pacific Islander identified.
Gender and age demographics for the College student population remains steady for the past five years. The College female-identified student population in fall 2019 was 57% with similar metrics across all ethnicities. College of Alameda Pacific Islander identified student population data indicates a higher male-identified population at 55%.
Seventy percent of the College of Alameda student population is between the ages of 16 to 29.
College of Alameda incoming freshmen data from 2015-2020 indicates the highest enrollment from Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) feeder high schools followed by Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Oakland High School, Oakland Technical High School, and Skyline High School.

College of Alameda continuing student population remains steady at 52% and close to 20% for first-time and first-time transfer students. The College special admit population is15% due to increased dual enrollment.

Pursuing transfer and completion of a degree is the most indicated education goal at 53% for students applying to College of Alameda.