Historical Geology, Geology 3, debuts at College of Alameda this Spring 2024 semester, taught by Professor Lung Chan of UC Berkeley:

 * 3  HISTORICAL GEOLOGY  3 UNITS  Introduction to Earth’s history and the life it supports
23405  Lec 9:30-12:20 PM F  Chan     ATLAN160 Alameda 
This class is on-campus and meets physically in-person on Fridays 9:30-12:20pm. Please contact the instructor at lschan@peralta.edu for more information. Canvas usage or other digital learning tools may apply.

* 3L   HISTORICAL GEOLOGY LABORATORY 1 UNIT  Laboratory component of GEOL 003  PR: GEOL 3 
23406  Lab 1:00-3:50 PM F   Chan     ATLAN160 Alameda 
 This class is on-campus and meets physically in-person on Fridays 1:00-3:50pm. Please contact the instructor at lschan@peralta.edu for more information. Canvas usage or other digital learning tools may apply.