College to Career (C2C) Program

The College to Career (C2C) program at the College of Alameda is housed within the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) department. This three-year program supports    students with diverse cognitive abilities, such as intellectual differences and Autism, in building the skills necessary for academic, career, and personal success. C2C serves   students who are consumers of the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).



Why C2C?

Students with intellectual disabilities with postsecondary experiences are twenty-six (26) times more likely to be successfully employed and earn seventy-three (73) percent higher wages than their peers without postsecondary education.

The College of Alameda C2C program offers:

  • Career exploration activities
  • Job skills classes
  • Independent living skills courses
  • Academic/study skills support to successfully complete classes

The opportunity to take classes in a variety of areas, earn available certificates, and gain skills/knowledge to prepare for work.

The C2C program’s goals are to:

  • Improve employment outcomes for persons with intellectual disability (ID) and/or Autism
  • Expand the range of jobs available to persons with ID, with emphasis on areas of job growth

The C2C program provides a coordinated set of activities to support student success in a college setting and successful transition into independent competitive employment.

C2C is funded by the Department of Rehabilitation, and includes two major components:

  • Classes: Students take C2C classes as a cohort during the first phase of the program. In the second phase, they take general college classes aligned with their career goal. Educational coaches are available to connect students to needed resources and social activities and to assist in navigating successful completion of their coursework.
  • Employment Activities: Students take career exploration classes during the first program phase, followed by internships and job placement in the third phase. While in the third phase, students also work with a vocational coach and participate in weekly job club meetings to support their transition into employment (including job search assistance, mock interviewing, resume writing, etc.).

C2C is not affiliated with K-12 Special Education services or governed by the IEP process and does not take the place of, or serve as, a transition age program. Students or families interested in and/or eligible for 18-22 transition services should contact their local school district.


1. At least 18 years of age at the time of enrollment

2. An individual with an intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism, as defined by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

3. A California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) client or eligible to become a DOR client

4. Graduated with a high-school diploma; or
a. Exited from high school transition program; or
b. Be willing to immediately exit from their transition program

5. Able to provide or access transportation to and from College of Alameda, as well as potential work sites in various counties

6. Able to attend classes, job, and other program-related activities regularly

7. Able to abide by College of Alameda’s Code of Conduct

8. Pass a criminal background check and have up-to-date immunizations required for employment

9. If currently (or formerly) a student in the Peralta Community College District (Alameda, Berkeley City College, Laney, Merritt), applicants must not
have any fee holds or other records that would prevent enrolling in classes

10. Must be legally authorized to work in the United States.

Students most qualified to participate in C2C have:
  1. Motivation to work and attend college.
  2. A desire to obtain permanent, paid employment.
  3. The ability to function on a college campus independently and attend class independently.
  4. A history of meeting behavioral and attendance expectations of past employment, training, or educational programs.
  5. A commitment to spending time, on average 25 hours per week, devoted to school-related activities, such as:
    • Classes;
    • Homework;
    • Accessing support services (tutoring, counseling, etc.); and
    • Mandatory meetings with C2C program staff.
Application Instructions

To apply for the College to Career (C2C) Program, you must complete and submit an application through our online system. The online application must be completed in one sitting. You cannot begin an application, save it, and come back to it at a later time. Please review your responses before submitting.

We do not recommend that you wait to hear from C2C about if you have been accepted to the program, before starting your steps with the Department of Rehabilitation or with College of Alameda. Even if you are not accepted into C2C, the Department of Rehabilitation may support you in exploring and preparing for the world of work.

The application includes:

  • Online Application
  • A “Skill Survey” filled out by BOTH the applicant and the parents/guardians separately
  • Documentation of an intellectual disability
  • Two recommenders. No family members may be a recommender

Application Tips

In your application, we will ask you to:

  • Talk about why you want to be a College to Career (C2C) student.
  • Find two (2) people – NOT related to you – to write letters of recommendations on your behalf.
  • Have some idea of what you want to learn or the type of job you are looking for. Some people are very specific, and they want to learn one thing. Other
    people just want to have the experience of going to work. Be honest – we appreciate honesty and it will help us figure out the right options with you.
  • Think about your disability and personality. What will you need during college to have a good experience?
Applicant Responsibilities 

Applicants to College to Career (C2C) program agree to abide by certain rules and requirements.  Responsibility, respect, good judgment, and cooperation are qualities valued by the program.  Applicants (and supports) are expected to demonstrate these qualities beginning with the application process.

Professional Behavior

  • Applicants are expected to properly follow instructions and meet deadlines.
  • Applicants are expected to act professionally in all of their dealings with C2C and the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).

Ethical Conduct

Applicants applying to our program must consider these fundamental ethical principles during the application process, in accordance with the College of Alameda’s Student Code of Conduct:

  • Your application must be an honest representation of yourself. Please be mindful of accuracy in descriptions in your:  (1) personal statements and (2) answers to questions.
  • Your application materials should be as current as possible at the time of submission. Please make sure to provide the most up-to-date documents and other supplementary materials when you submit your application.

Additional Applicant Responsibilities 

  • Act with honesty and integrity throughout the admissions process.
  • Communicate professionally and promptly to C2C & DOR program(s).
  • Be responsible and accountable for actions.
  • Review and meet ALL admissions eligibility before applying.
  • Abide by all deadlines.
  • Create only one (1) C2C application during the admissions cycle.
  • Enter accurate information into the application.
  • Print a copy of the completed application for your records before submitting it to the C2C program.
  • Keep a copy of all submitted materials for your records.

The C2C Program is now accepting online applications. The program practices rolling admissions, which means applications can be submitted for review after the priority deadline of February 1, 2024. Remember: Admission spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


  1. Do not submit duplicate applications – only send one (1) application. We only accept up to twenty (20) new students per year.
  2. Students enrolled in the C2C Program CANNOT co-enroll in another program, such as a transition age or supported employment program. No exceptions.
  3. If you need the application in an alternative format, please e-mail:

Click here for the online application. 

Donate Button

The Peralta Colleges Foundation manages donations to the College of Alameda. For check donations, please be sure to designate your gift in the memo to CoA College to Career (C2C) program. Please mail to: Peralta Colleges Foundation 333 East 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94606. If not specifically designated for C2C, your gift will go to the Peralta Colleges General Fund.

Learn more about our program by joining one of our virtual information sessions. Registration for the 2024 sessions is now open. Each session will begin promptly at the time specified in the registration form. Zoom details will be emailed to you after registration is complete.

Contact Us

College to Career (C2C) Program,

Jennifer Sanoh, C2C Coordinator/Counselor

Laura Spencer Vacca, C2C Job Developer

Beth Rudolf, C2C Instructor

Felice Botts, C2C Instructor

Phyllis Tappe, C2C Instructor

Kelly Guan, C2C Instructor

Wanda Wright, C2C Ed. Coach/Instructional Aide

8:00 AM (PST) – 4:00 PM (PST)
Hours may vary during winter break, spring break, summer break, and during campus closures
Location: Cougar Village (CV) 136