Transfer Program

The Transfer Center wants to provide you with the information and tools you need to transfer to a 4-year college or university as efficiently as possible. Here at College of Alameda, we know that the transfer process may seem intimidating to many students, particularly those who are the first in their family to attend college.

Transfer Workshop and Events

Pre-Admissions Advising Schedule of University Reps


  • Online application assistance
  • TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantees) agreement information
  • Tours of local four-year colleges and universities
  • Transfer workshops
  • Access to a resource library of online and hard copy catalogs for in and out of state colleges/universities
  • Transfer Day
  • And more!
How do I find out about the transfer requirements of any particular school?
Information for transfer students is published in the catalog (either printed or online) of any institution. We are available to assist you in locating and using these resources. In addition, universities send representatives to our annual Transfer Day event held on our campus each fall. Representatives also visit College of Alameda on a regular basis to meet with students individually. You may also go to to view transfer information for the CSU and UC system.
How many units do I need to transfer?

You will achieve full junior standing when you have completed 60 transferable semester units. The University of California and California State University requires 60 UC-transferable semester units for upper division transfer. Independent and out-of-state universities often accept students with fewer than 60 semester units. Please check the printed or online catalog for the specific university to which you want to transfer for their requirements. A College of Alameda transfer counselor can assist you with this.

What is a Transfer Admission Guarantee?

Transfer Admission Guarantees are agreements between four-year universities and community colleges that provide students who meet certain requirements guaranteed admission. Currently students who attend a California Community College can participate in TAG programs with six UCs and nine participating Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). For more information on the UC TAG click here.  For more information about CCC/HBCU TAG program click here.

What is Cross Enrollment?

The Cross Enrollment Program is for current College of Alameda students planning to transfer who would like to experience taking a course at either CSU East Bay, UC Berkeley, Mills College or Holy Names University.

Depending on the campus, students can attend either at no charge or pay $46 per units. To be eligible for Cross

Enrollment a student must have:

  • 20 semester units of transferable coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.4 or higher.
  • Completion of English 1A with “C” or higher.
  • Full-time student status (12 semester units) during the term of participation in the program, including units for the one concurrently enrolled course.
  • Student must have College of Alameda as their home campus (majority of units) during the semester of application and during the semester enrolled in the concurrent enrollment course.
  • Course(s) cannot be offered at College of Alameda or restricted by the four-year institution.
  • Students are not permitted to enroll in a Concurrent course that has a schedule conflict with student’s College of Alameda class schedule.
  • Students should contact the Transfer Center before the end of the prior semester to complete a Concurrent Enrollment application

Our Contacts

Danna Chavez Baquero
Counselor/Transfer Center

P: (510) 748-2207