Liberal Arts: Arts and Humanities (LBARTS)

about Liberal Arts: Arts and Humanities (LBARTS)
The Liberal Arts Degree: Arts and Humanities is a group of courses emphasizing the human condition — its limits, potential and creative expressions — through the study of cultural, literary and artistic expression of human beings.
Degree and Certificate Maps
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2024-2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions and Program Requirements
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What you will learn:
Students will evaluate and interpret the ways in which people through the ages in different cultures have responded to awareness of themselves and the world around them in artistic and cultural creation. Students will also learn to value aesthetic understanding and incorporate it when constructing value judgments.
Recommended Course Sequence
- ART 1 Introduction to Art History
- COMM 1A Introduction to Speech
- ENGL 1A Composition and Reading or ENGL 1AS Composition and Reading (w/ support)
- MATH 13 Introduction to Statistics (+213 Support Course)
- KIN 60A Circuit Training for Strength I – Fundamentals
- ENGL 10A Creative Writing 3
- ART 2 History of Western Art: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
- HIST 7A History of the UnitedStates to 1877
- COUN 24 College Success or COUN 57 Career and Life Planning
- ANTHR 1 Introduction to Physical Anthropolog
- HUMAN 1 Introduction to Humanities
- PHIL 1 Introduction to Philosophy
- LIS 74 Information Seeking Behavior
- ENGL 5 Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing
- PSYCH 1A Introduction to General Psychology
- SPAN 1A Elementary Spanish or VIET 1A Elementary Vietnamese
- HUMAN 2 Human Values
- GEOG 2 Cultural Geography
- SOC 5 Minority Groups
- KIN 54A Cross Fitness I – Fundamentals
What can I do with a degree in Liberal Arts: Arts and Humanities?
You can look forward to entering a number of careers in business, government, education and healthcare thanks to the transferable skills a liberal arts education provides. Below are some popular majors and career paths you can consider.