Liberal Arts: Natural Sciences (LBARTS)

about Liberal Arts: Natural Sciences (LBARTS)
Natural Sciences is a group of courses emphasizing examination of the physical universe, its life forms and its natural phenomena.
Degree and Certificate Maps
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2024-2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions and Program Requirements
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What you will learn:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of experimental methodologies, testing hypotheses and the power of systematic questioning as investigative tools. Students will examine the relationship of scientific and technological capability with human values and social goals, and gain a sophisticated understanding of science as a human endeavor, including the limitations as well as the power of scientific inquiry.
Recommended Course Sequence
- BIOL 10 Introduction to Biology
- ENGL 1A Composition and Reading or ENGL 1AS Composition and Reading (w/ support)
- MATH 13 Introduction to Statistics (+213 Support Course)
- COUN 24 College Success or COUN 57 Career and Life Planning
- CHEM 30A Introductory General Chemistry
- ENGL 5 Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing
- HIST 7A History of the United States to 1877
- PSYCH 1A Introduction to General Psychology
- LIS 74 Information Seeking Behavior
- BIOL 2 Human Anatomy
- POSCI 1 Government and Politics in the United States
- COMM 45 Public Speaking
- ART 1 Introduction to Art History
- KIN 60A Circuit Training for Strength I – Fundamentals
- BIOL 4 Human Physiology
- HIST 7B History of the United States since 1865
- GEOG 2 Cultural Geography
- SOC 5 Minority Groups
- KIN 54A Cross Fitness I – Fundamentals
What can I do with a degree in Liberal Arts: Natural Sciences?
Those who major in natural science have a huge selection of possible careers to choose from, with most being in the medical, health, and earth sciences. While some careers focus their scope inside a laboratory, most careers allow for independent or team research that’s in the field, as well. These careers need curiosity, logical reasoning, and critical-thinking skills to bring all these sciences together to problem-solve different situations.