Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences (LBARTS)

about Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences (LBARTS)
Social and Behavioral Science is a group of courses emphasizing the study of perspectives, concepts, theories and methodologies typically found in the vast variety of disciplines that comprise study in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Degree and Certificate Maps
Click below to view the course pathway to an AA/AS Degree and Certificate
2024-2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions and Program Requirements
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What you will learn:
Students will develop an awareness of themselves and others as members of a larger society. Topics of discussion are designed to help students gain an understanding and appreciation of the contributions and perspectives of men, women, and of ethnic and other minorities and a comparative perspective on both Western and non-Western societies.
Recommended Course Sequence
- PSYCH 1A Introduction to General Psychology
- SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology
- ENGL 1A Composition and Reading or ENGL 1AS Composition and Reading (w/ support)
- MATH 13 Introduction to Statistics (+213 Support Course)
- KIN 60A Circuit Training for Strength I – Fundamentals
- PSYCH 18 Psychology of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.
- ENGL 5 Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing
- HIST 7A History of the UnitedStates to 1877
- COUN 24 College Success or COUN 57 Career and Life PlanningÂ
- BIOL 10 Introduction to Biology
- PSYCH 24 Abnormal Psychology
- PSYCH 28 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
- HIST 7B History of the United States since 1865
- LIS 74 Information Seeking Behavior
- COMM 45 Public Speaking
- PSYCH 12 Human Sexuality
- ANTHR 1 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
- GEOG 2 Cultural Geography
- SOC 5 Minority Groups
- ART 1 Introduction to Art History
What can I do with a degree in Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences?
Earning the Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree can lead to a variety of different jobs or career paths. Some of the many options you will have include archivist, broadcaster, business, case management, child development, congressional aide, computer science, counseling, economist, education, gaming, government, information technology, international relations, journalism, law, librarian, marketing research, medicine, museum director/curator, non-profits, public relations, psychologist, political consultant, politician, social media, social services, social work, and writer.