Biology (BIOL)

about Biology (BIOL)
Biology courses satisfy the physical and life sciences requirements for transfer into four-year colleges and universities in majors other than biology and health science, and they satisfy the natural science requirement for an AA degree. You may also take biology courses to meet continuing education requirements in the health professions, or for personal interest.
Degree and Certificate Maps
Click below to view the course pathway to an AA/AS Degree and Certificate
2024-2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions and Program Requirements
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What you will learn:
A biology major will prepare you to transfer into a four-year university program in biology or health science (nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician’s assistant). If you already have a bachelor’s degree in another field, a biology major will provide you with the prerequisites for entry into professional schools of medicine or dentistry.
Recommended Course Sequence
- BIOL 1A General Biology
- BIOL 1B General Biology
- CHEM 1A General Chemistry
- CHEM 1B General Chemistry
- PHYS 4A General Physics w/ Calculus
- PHYS 4B General Physics w/Calculus
What can I do with a degree in Biology (BIOL)
Biologists take very diverse career paths. Some enter health fields like medicine, dentistry, nursing, physical therapy, and pharmacy. Others enter into research in environmental and conservation areas. Training in biology can also lead to careers in biotechnology and other fields of technology.
Leslie Reiman, Biology Faculty
Edwin Ochong, Biology Faculty
Peter Niloufari, Biology Faculty
Constanze Weyhenmeyer, Biology Lab Coordinator