Psychology (PSYCH)

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about Psychology (PSYCH)
In studying psychology at College of Alameda, you will learn from supportive faculty that recognizes the mind-body-heart connection as core to the transformation of self, community, and our planet. Students will master both western and non-western psychological theories, methods, and practices to enhance their relationship with self and the world by being agents of social change. We support students having a keen understanding of who they are, which carries over to their interpersonal relationships and work with others. The COA psychology department prizes self-reflection, academic rigor, and experiential practice by having students apply theories to their own lives so that the information is understandable, useful, and illuminating.
“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” – Rumi
Degree and Certificate Maps
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2024-2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions and Program Requirements
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What you will learn:
Our psychology courses address the whole person, including mind, body, and emotions, as well as how the self interfaces with one’s family, community, and culture. By taking these courses, you will learn:
- Cornerstone psychological theories and research methods (power of perception, consciousness, developmental psychology, conditioning, thinking and memory, social psychology, abnormal psychology), how they may apply to your life, and how they might apply to those you work with
- To become more aware of unconscious forces, destructive self-talk, and unhealthy behaviors in order to consciously create the life you desire
- An understanding of how the brain and your biology play a role in your emotional and psychological well-being
- Healthy communication and interpersonal relationship skills
- To understand diversity on a more insightful level, including various forms of systemic and internalized oppression and how to become a more conscious ally
- Mindfulness and other stress-management techniques
Recommended Course Sequence
Associate in Arts in Psychology for Transfer AA-T Degree
Required Core:
- PSYCH 1A Introduction to General Psychology 3
- PSYCH 28 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 3
- MATH 13 Introduction to Statistics 4
List A: Select one
- BIOL 10 Introduction to Biology 4
List B: Select one (3-4 units)
- PSYCH 1B Introduction to General Psychology (3)
- ENGL 5 Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing (3)
- ENGL 1B Composition and Reading (4) 4
List C: Select one (3 units)
- PSYCH 3 Introduction to Personality Theory (3)
- PSYCH 7A Psychology of Childhood (3)
- PSYCH 7B Adolescent Psychology (3)
- PSYCH 9A Interpersonal Relations (3)
- PSYCH 9B Interpersonal Relations (3)
- PSYCH 12 Human Sexuality (3)
- PSYCH 18 Psychology of Minority Groups (3)
- PSYCH 24 Abnormal Psychology (3)
- PSYCH 29 Introduction to Forensic Psychology (3)
- PSYCH 34 Psychology of Resiliency, Stress Management, and Personal Growth (3)
Required Semester Units 20-21
AA Degree in Psychology
- PSYCH 1A Introduction to General Psychology 3
- PSYCH 1B Introduction to General Psychology 3
Select four courses (12 units) from the following:
- PSYCH 3 Introduction to Personality Theory (3)
- PSYCH 7A Psychology of Childhood (3)
- PSYCH 7B Adolescent Psychology (3)
- PSYCH 9A Interpersonal Relations (3)
- PSYCH 9B Interpersonal Relations (3)
- PSYCH 12 Human Sexuality (3)
- PSYCH 18 Psychology of Minority Groups (3)
- PSYCH 24 Abnormal Psychology (3)
Required Semester Units 18
What can I do with a degree in Psychology (PSYCH)?
Psychology careers include jobs in therapy and counseling, schools, social work, hospitals, prisons, courtrooms, community health and rehabilitation centers, sports psychology, life coaching, motivational speaking, and business. The study of psychology at COA provides solid foundational knowledge and research preparation for those transferring to 4-year academic institutions, most professions, as well as, for one’s life.