Drug and Alcohol Abuse Information
Health & Wellness Services HOURS & Location
Remote and in-person appointments available.
New location: Cougar Village CV-124
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Contact the Wellness Center Staff at #510-748-2320 for more information
Alcohol and drug problems are serious but treatable issues. They can be potentially life threatening if they are not addressed. Students and employees with concerns about their substance use are encouraged to seek treatment. Employees may be eligible to utilize the Employee Assistance Program or may be able to obtain help through their medical plan. Drug awareness workshops will be offered periodically to inform employees and students of the dangers of substance abuse, the availability of counseling, rehabilitation, and assistance programs, and to notify employees and students of the penalties that may be imposed for violations.
The Chancellor shall assure that the District distributes annually to each student and employee the
information required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and complies with other requirements of the Act. College of Alameda distributes this information at least twice annually to all employees and students and will provide related information in all introductory counseling classes.
College of Alameda also has Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counseling available to all students and can help refer faculty and staff to appropriate services.
Alcohol warnings
Don’t resort to drinking for problematic reasons. While going to a bar with some friends for the Superbowl isn’t necessarily a problem, the same can’t be said if you’re turning to the bottle of Whiskey after breaking up with your significant other.
If you drink, don’t even think about driving. Walk home, call a taxi cab, or ask someone for a ride. A DUI usually costs around $10,000—and that’s if you are lucky enough to have been caught before killing someone on the road.
Be aware that any amount of alcohol can risk affecting your coordination and state of mind. The extent to which it does this will depend on what you drink, your age, your body mass, and how fast you are drinking. Responsible drinking entails knowing your own limits, drinking in moderation, and being mature about it.
If you observe someone that is passed out, will NOT come to consciousness and has not vomited after extreme amounts of alcohol, take the person to the hospital. This person may be subject to alcohol poisoning. Unconsciousness -period- is a life-threatening condition.
our contacts
Ismael de Guzman, Mental Health Counselor
E: ideguzman@peralta.edu
P: 510-748-2320