Substance Warning Signs
Helping an Intoxicated Person
If you’re unsure of how to help – don’t waste time – get help by calling 9-1-1.
- Look for signs of alcohol poisoning
- Cold, clammy skin
- Unconsciousness
- Slowed or irregular breathing
- Puking, particularly while passed out If ANY of the signs are evident call 9-1-1 for help immediately.
Health and Safety are #1 Priority
- Stay with person – Don’t leave them to “sleep it off”
- Ensure they rest on side to prevent choking on own vomit.
- No food, drink, or drugs if they’ve vomited in the last 2 hours – it can cause vomiting or choking.
- Keep them still to avoid injury – No walking or standing without assistance; Do not let them leave or drive if they may cause harm to self or others
- If injured, violent, unruly or need transportation – Call 9-1-1
Warning Signs of a Substance Abuse Problem
- Changes in academic performance: Slowed thinking, poor concentration, impaired reasoning, frequent absences from class. Absences on Mondays, Fridays and/or paydays. Tardiness and/or disciplinary problems.
- Moodiness, irritation, anger. Loss of inhibitions. Exaggerated feelings of anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. Withdraws from hobbies, sports, or favorite activities. Overreacts to mild criticism Carelessness about personal appearance. Smells like alcohol.
- Social conflicts: Making inappropriate statements. Involvement in fights. Legal trouble due to alcohol. Withdrawal from others, frequent lying, depression, paranoia. Giving up opportunities for social, recreational, and academic activities.
- Accidents and injuries: Evidence of falls, cuts and bruises. Involvement in motor vehicle accidents due to alcohol.
- Increased interest in alcohol: Talking about it, talking about buying it, talking about activities that center on alcohol use.
Score-it-Yourself Quiz
Ask yourself these questions. If you say “yes” to any of them, you may have a problem and could benefit from seeking help.
- Do you lose time from school or work because of drinking?
- Do you drink to lose shyness and build up self confidence?
- Is drinking affecting your reputation?
- Do you drink to escape from study or home worries?
- Does it bother you if somebody says maybe you drink too much?
- Do you have to take a drink to go out on a date?
- Do you ever get into money trouble over buying liquor?
- Have you lost friends since you’ve started drinking?
- Do you hang out now with a crowd where stuff is easy to get?
- Do your friends drink less than you do?
- Do you drink until the bottle is empty?
- Have you ever had a loss of memory from drinking?
- Has drunk driving ever put you into a hospital or a jail?
- Do you get annoyed with classes or lectures on drinking?
- Do you think you have a problem with liquor?
our contacts
Lisa Sawadogo, Health Services Coordinator
P: 510-748-2320
Acupuncture/Massage Therapy
*Due to Coronavirus, currently services are unavailable*