Substance Warning Signs

Helping an Intoxicated Person

If you’re unsure of how to help – don’t waste time – get help by calling 9-1-1.

    • Look for signs of alcohol poisoning
    • Cold, clammy skin
    • Unconsciousness
    • Slowed or irregular breathing
    • Puking, particularly while passed out If ANY of the signs are evident call 9-1-1 for help immediately.

Health and Safety are #1 Priority

    • Stay with person – Don’t leave them to “sleep it off”
    • Ensure they rest on side to prevent choking on own vomit.
    • No food, drink, or drugs if they’ve vomited in the last 2 hours – it can cause vomiting or choking.
    • Keep them still to avoid injury – No walking or standing without assistance; Do not let them leave or drive if they may cause harm to self or others
    • If injured, violent, unruly or need transportation – Call 9-1-1

Warning Signs of a Substance Abuse Problem

    • Changes in academic performance: Slowed thinking, poor concentration, impaired reasoning, frequent absences from class. Absences on Mondays, Fridays and/or paydays. Tardiness and/or disciplinary problems.
    • Moodiness, irritation, anger. Loss of inhibitions. Exaggerated feelings of anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. Withdraws from hobbies, sports, or favorite activities. Overreacts to mild criticism Carelessness about personal appearance. Smells like alcohol.
    • Social conflicts: Making inappropriate statements. Involvement in fights. Legal trouble due to alcohol. Withdrawal from others, frequent lying, depression, paranoia. Giving up opportunities for social, recreational, and academic activities.
    • Accidents and injuries: Evidence of falls, cuts and bruises. Involvement in motor vehicle accidents due to alcohol.
    • Increased interest in alcohol: Talking about it, talking about buying it, talking about activities that center on alcohol use.

Score-it-Yourself Quiz

Ask yourself these questions. If you say “yes” to any of them, you may have a problem and could benefit from seeking help.

    1. Do you lose time from school or work because of drinking?
    2. Do you drink to lose shyness and build up self confidence?
    3. Is drinking affecting your reputation?
    4. Do you drink to escape from study or home worries?
    5. Does it bother you if somebody says maybe you drink too much?
    6. Do you have to take a drink to go out on a date?
    7. Do you ever get into money trouble over buying liquor?
    8. Have you lost friends since you’ve started drinking?
    9. Do you hang out now with a crowd where stuff is easy to get?
    10. Do your friends drink less than you do?
    11. Do you drink until the bottle is empty?
    12. Have you ever had a loss of memory from drinking?
    13. Has drunk driving ever put you into a hospital or a jail?
    14. Do you get annoyed with classes or lectures on drinking?
    15. Do you think you have a problem with liquor?

our contacts

Lisa Sawadogo, Health Services Coordinator

P: 510-748-2320

Acupuncture/Massage Therapy

*Due to Coronavirus, currently services are unavailable*

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