Sexual Violence - Prevention & Education

Health & Wellness Services HOURS & Location

Remote and in-person appointments available.


New location: Cougar Village CV- 124
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm


Any questions: Contact the Wellness Center at #510-748-2320 


AB 1088: Sexual Violence

Section 67385 of the Education Code requires that community college districts adopt and implement procedures to ensure prompt response to victims of sexual violence which occur on campus as well as providing them with information regarding treatment options and services.  College of Alameda makes this information available to all students and employees and will distribute the information at least twice annually.

No community can be totally risk-free in today’s society. However, by working together, students, faculty, staff, and visitors can all help to create an atmosphere which is as safe and crime free by reporting criminal behavior to:

Any sexual violence or physical abuse, as defined by California law, whether committed by an employee, student, or member of the public, occurring on college-owned or controlled property, at college-sponsored or supervised functions, or related to or arising from college attendance or activity is a violation of District policies and regulations, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal and/or civil prosecution and employee or student discipline procedures.

All crimes committed on campus or at a campus event will be published annually according to the  Jeanne Clery Act.  

Related Board Policies and Administrative Procedures:

our contacts

Ismael de Guzman, Mental Health Counselor

P: 510-748-2320

Other Resources