Political Science (POSCI)

about Political Science (POSCI)
When you study “Politics” in our program at College of Alameda; we seek to be supportive of your learning goals in being better prepared as a more effective “Global Citizen” in “a Knowledge Economy,” guided by democratic values, and an “ethic of public service” in the 21st Century modern world system. In all of our work together, our area of emphasis is Social Justice and futures consciousness. We accomplish much of our work through the Center for Community Change and Urban Leadership. With information made available to you in an understandable, useful, and illuminating way; YOU will achieve a degree of mastery in a self-reflective approach to applying social-political theories in your own lives, wherein “each moment of your lives is a vote for the future in which you will live” (Francis Moore-Lappe).
So, why study the future? Well, after all, the future is where you will spend the rest of your lives!
Degree and Certificate Maps
Click below to view the course pathway to an AA/AS Degree and Certificate
2024-2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions and Program Requirements
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Student Testimonials
“Easily the most helpful… at CoA I felt genuinely cared about in being able to learn what I needed to learn.”
“… learning how to be a critical thinker, and how to be more effective in the world. There is a promise that you will grow, if you allow your beliefs to be challenged.”
“…the most real political science you’ll ever take. What we learned makes the world make more sense. You’ll learn to ‘think about the things you think about’! “
What you will learn:
Our courses in politics address your needs as a whole person, worker, and citizen in the 21st century modern world system. By taking these courses, you will learn in Three Program Learning Realms (“outcomes”) in which we seek to prepare you here; you will:
- Achieve a Mastery of a body of knowledge about your world – to see the world more clearly from a larger set of perspectives.
- Achieve a Proficiency in critical political thinking and “Futures Consciousness” – to use your knowledge more effectively in the world.
- Greater capacity for personal social and political efficacy – to be better able to apply these perspectives as life skills in living a more satisfying life as:
- a person,
- a worker, and
- a citizen.
Recommended Course Sequence
Associate in Arts for Transfer in Political Science – AA-T Degree
Required courses (one of the following):
- POSCI 001 Government and Politics in the United States (3)
- POSCI 26* U .S . and California Constitution (3)
Required (9 units):
- POSCI 2 Comparative Government (3)
- POSCI 3 International Relations (3)
- POSCI 4 Political Theory (3)
Required (two of the following):
- POSCI 6 The U .S . Constitution and Criminal Due Process (3)
- POSCI 31 Introduction to Public Administration (3)
- POSCI 35 Introduction to Community Violence Prevention (3)
- POSCI 37 Introduction to Community Violence Prevention (3)
- POSCI 026* U. S. and California Constitution (3)
- SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology (3)
- SOC 2 Social Problems (3)
- HIST 018 20TH Century American Protest Movements (3)
Total Required Major Units: 18
*Credit is only allowed for either POSCI 6 or POSCI 26, but not both.
Associate in Arts in Political Science – AA Degree
Required Courses:
POSCI 1 Government and Politics in the United States 3
- POSCI 26* U .S . and California Constitution (3)
- POSCI 2 Comparative Government 3
- POSCI 4 Political Theory 3
- POSCI 6 The U .S . Constitution and
- Criminal Due Process (3) 3
- POSCI 26* U .S . and California Constitution (3)
Required (two of the following):
- ANTHR 3 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (3)
- GEOG 2 Cultural Geography (3)
- HIST 7A History of the United States to 1877 (3)
- HIST 7B History of the United States Since 1865 (3)
- HIST 32 The United States Since 1945 (3)
- HUMAN 3 Future Studies (3)
- PHIL 2 Social and Political Philosophy (3)
- POSCI 3 International Relations (3)
- POSCI 8 Law and Democracy (3)
- SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology (3)
- SOC 2 Social Problems (3)
- SOC 3 Sociology of Women (3)
- SOC 5 Minority Groups (3)
Total Required Major Units: 18
*Credit is only allowed for either POSCI 6 or POSCI 26, but not both.
Certificate of Proficiency in Violence Prevention
- POSCI 35 Introduction to Community Violence Prevention (3)
- POSCI 36 Applied Peacebuilding and Violence Prevention (3)
- POSCI 451 Occupational Work Experience In Politics and Public Affairs (2- 4)
Total Required Units: 8 to 10
What can I do with a degree in Political Science (POSCI)
The Politics Program at College of Alameda is an “Applied Politics Department.” Majoring in politics at College of Alameda can prepare you to move in one of four directions: 1) the traditional major, 2) Violence Prevention and Social Justice Studies; 3) Public Law and Public Service; and 4) Public Administration and Emergency Management / Homeland Security
Political Science majors learn to be strong writers, public speakers, and researchers. Students receive assistance in finding and receiving credit for internships. We promise to work with you in being better prepared with “life-long learning to learn” life success skills — empowering you as you seek employment and in your efforts to transfer to four year institutions.
Careers for Political Scientists include: government employment, public service, public administration, public policy analysis, legislative advocacy, business, international relations, and teaching.
Support & Resource Links:
- Community Change and Urban Leadership Initiative
- Pathways to Law School Initiative
- Violence Prevention Certificate
- Guidance on Writing College Level Papers
Hasmik Geghamyan, Political Science Faculty
Judith Hurtado-Ortiz, Political Science Faculty
Ronald Lomax, Political Science Faculty
Sarah Oddie, Political Science Faculty