2020-21 ISER Writing Process and Teams

Organization of the Self-Evaluation Process

In Fall 2019, Dr. Tina Vasconcellos, Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO), formed the College of Alameda Accreditation Institution Self Evaluation Report (ISER) Teams in collaboration with the President, Executive Cabinet and the Academic Senate. The team was comprised of 75 members including faculty, classified professionals, students and administrators. Team members were invited to join based on their expertise or position on a participatory governance committee. Standard team leads included an administrator and either a classified professional or a faculty member. Each Standard writing team consisted of at least one faculty member, classified employee, and manager, and was assigned to discuss evidence, review drafts, and write drafts to submit to the Accreditation Liaison Officer for editing and final draft development. The Director of Research and Planning assisted the ALO in finalizing evidence links and formatting. The College Public Information Officer formatted the document for publication.

Peralta Community College District (PCCD) formed teams to respond to Standards III.A., III.B., III.C., III.D. and Standard IV.C. and IV.D.. The PCCD teams consisted of representatives from each resource area and responded to all standards from the District service center perspective.

College and District team members participated in the Institution Self Evaluation Report (ISER) training provided by Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) on September 25, 2019. In October 2019, a College Accreditation ISER Teams kickoff meeting provided further insight and examples in collecting evidence and support in responding to the Standards. The ISER training meeting provided the format, timeline, the Portal site (share point), and use of shared files in developing the report. The College teams were reminded of their assigned Standards and focus. Throughout the process, the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) read the drafts and communicated with the College Standard writing teams providing feedback. The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) team focused responses were provided to the College for editing and integration with the College response in August The first draft of the College of Alameda Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER) was shared with College constituency groups on October 16, 2020 for input and recommended edits.

Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) distributed the draft in sections and scheduled four input sessions between October 19, 2020 to October 30, 2020 to discuss each section with constituency members and gather feedback. Faculty, classified professionals and administrators had access to each section and were able to provide recommended edits electronically. A second draft was released to the College Council, Academic Senate and Classified Senate on November 4, 2020 for review and recommended edits. Each participatory governance group was given the opportunity to review and provide recommended edits through the two-week college-wide vetting process. The draft was submitted to the Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees on November 10, 2020 for a first read with a final review and approval on December 8, 2020. The Accreditation Liaison Officer made final edits, the Director of Research and Planning finalized evidence archiving and the Public Information Officer consultant formatted the final document submitted to the Commission.

Accreditation-ISER-Kickoff Presentation