Academic Senate


The College of Alameda Academic Senate represents all College of Alameda faculty (tenure, tenure-track and adjunct) on academic and professional matters. According to Title 5, Section 53200, Academic Senate means an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters. Academic and Professional matters mean the following policy development matters:

  1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites.
  2. Degree and certificate requirements.
  3. Grading policies.
  4. Educational program development.
  5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success.
  6. College governance structures, as related to faculty roles.
  7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes.
  8. Policies for faculty professional development activities.
  9. Processes for program review.
  10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development.

+1 Other academic and professional matters.


Mission and Responsibilities

The Academic Senate promotes faculty primacy in academic and professional matters as established in statute and regulation. The Senate is the official voice of the California community college faculty in statewide consultation and decision making and, through leadership and empowerment, endeavors to make each local senate the voice of the faculty in college and district consultation and decision making.

Committee Appointments:  All faculty appointments to any college body or district body dealing with academic and professional matters as defined in Title 5 are to be made by the Academic Senate.  Appointments to non-senate committees are made by the Academic Senate after consultation between the local senate president and the college president.

Active subcommittees and taskforces of the Academic Senate:

Meeting Schedule and Location

COA Academic Senate

Meeting Dates: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month

Meeting Time: 12:20 – 1:20 pm

Meeting Place: H 280 (Conference Room on 2nd Floor of H Building) and via Zoom:

Special Academic Senate Meetings– TBD

All Academic Senate agenda requests are due Monday at noon before the preferred meeting date. Email President Fowler at the following to submit an agenda request: 1) name of the agenda item, 2) brief description of the item, and 3) whether it is a discussion item OR an action item. 

 Senators for Academic Year 2024-25
Name Division Email Address
Jennifer Fowler, President Liberal Studies & Language Arts, Full-Time 
Carla Pegues, Vice President Faculty At-Large, Full-Time 
Andrew Park, Secretary Faculty At-Large, Full-Time 
Richard Kaeser, Treasurer STEM, Full-Time 
Sue Altenbach Faculty At-Large, Adjunct 
George Cruz Career Workforce Education, Full-Time 
Bruce Pettyjohn Career Workforce Education, Full-Time
Vacant Career Workforce Education, Adjunct
Jody Campbell Liberal Studies & Language Arts, Full-Time
Kwesi Wilson Liberal Studies & Language Arts, Adjunct
Cady Carmichael
STEM, Full-Time
Andrew Fittingoff STEM, Adjunct
Jacinda Marshall Student Services, Full-Time
Cynthia Haro
Student Services, Full-Time
Student Services, Adjunct  

Also, Drew Burgess ( represents CoA on the Peralta District Academic Senate as DAS representative, together with the CoA academic senate president and vice president.

Meeting Date AgendaMinutes
March 20, 2025AgendaMinutes
March 6, 2025AgendaMinutes
February 20, 2025AgendaMinutes
February 6, 2025AgendaMinutes
December 5, 2024AgendaMinutes
November 21, 2024AgendaMinutes
November 12, 2024 (special meeting)AgendaMinutes
November 7, 2024AgendaMinutes
October 17, 2024AgendaMinutes
October 3, 2024AgendaMinutes
September 19, 2024AgendaMinutes
September 5, 2024AgendaMinutes
Meeting Date AgendaMinutes
May 16, 2024Meeting cancelled for
college president public forum
May 2, 2024AgendaMinutes
April 18, 2024AgendaMinutes
April 4, 2024AgendaMinutes
March 21, 2024AgendaMinutes
March 7, 2024AgendaMinutes
February 15, 2024AgendaMinutes
February 1, 2024AgendaMinutes
December 12, 2023 (special meeting)AgendaMinutes
December 7, 2023AgendaMinutes
November 16, 2023Meeting cancelled for ASCCC Fall plenary 
November 2, 2023AgendaMinutes
October 19, 2023AgendaMinutes
October 5, 2023AgendaMinutes
September 21, 2023AgendaMinutes
September 7, 2023 AgendaMinutes
2022-2023 Academic Year Minutes & Agendas 2021-2022 Academic Year Minutes & Agendas 2020-2021 Academic Year Minutes & Agendas 2019-2020 Academic Year Minutes & Agendas 2018-2019 Academic Year Minutes & Agendas 2017-2018 Academic Year Minutes & Agendas

Keep up to date with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) by signing up for the ASCCC listerv.